Got Kicked on Route 66

by admin on November 16, 2008

Weeble finally had enough. T3 and Sweet Tee were on the way to take them some enduralights when the call came in that Weeble was at Mile 23 and was done. Mav had gone on, so T3 and Sweet Tee parked as close as possible to the park and walked up the hill to retrieve Brother Weeble. Once Weeble was safely back in the vehicle they hauled it back to the finish line to try to catch Mav.

Meanwhile, Mav was still dancing and  talking his way to the finish, so it turned out they had plenty of time to get there.

As Mav approached the finish line he was weeving side to side like a drunk as he danced and high fived the crowd on BOTH sides of the shute. Right at the finish line he dropped and did 26 push-ups.

You might notice the lack of other runners in the background. Given the troubles Weeble had, by the time Mav got to the finish it was 5:27 into the race.

In the post finish area the Pirañas ran into Richard. Richard has ‘run’ the OKC Memorial Marathon several times and the Pirañas have seen him at lost of other races. Richard pushes a standard wheelchair in the marathon, not a racing chair, not a light wheelchair, but a standard, heavy, slow wheelchair. Richard is an inspiration to us all.

Great friends, great race, great day.

Take all you can, Give nothing back!

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