A Muddy Buddy Day

by admin on September 13, 2009

Well, the Pirañas went to Turkey Mountain today. The day started at 3:30 when Mav showed up at T3’s and with Sweet Tee in tow they left to meet BFG and Weeble at the Cracker Barrel near the turnpike. Once the team was together they headed east on the turnpike and with a single break […]

Turkey ‘N’ Taturs

by admin on September 12, 2009

Team Piraña will be in attendance at the annual Turkey’N’Taturs trail race tomorrow. T3 and Mav are tackling the 50K, BFG and Weeble are doing 25K and Sweet Tee is racing the 10K. It should be an interesting day as the area has received a lot of rain and it may be raining tomorrow. The […]