Category Archives: Uncategorized

Shopping in Zombieland

by admin on October 8, 2009

The good thing about shopping in Zombieland is NO LINES, the bad thing is brain dead zombies trying to eat you. Lunch time! Of course, first Mav wanted clam chowder. Everyone else said no. So the GPS pointed out a place called The Shrimp Company and a place called The Fishery. Mav voted for shrimp, […]

From the Wire….

by admin on October 6, 2009

It is not our usual form here at Team Pirana to post things written in first person. An exception is being made in order to get Samsonite’s race report from the North Coast 24 Hour up before the Team heads to Kentucky. Brothers – So, about North Coast 24 Hour Endurance Run, oh where to […]

You Gotta Know When to Fold Em

by admin on October 4, 2009

When you step to the starting line of an ultra distance event, or get out of the house early in the morning for your long run, you have no idea how the day will unfold. Not much can go wrong running 3 miles three time a week, but at distances over 40 or 50 miles […]

Half-Way There and Holding

by admin on October 3, 2009

Well, the night has come and Samsonite remains strong and in good spirits. Maintaining his 15th place, he has now beat Scott Jurek (dropped at 67 miles and 10 hours) and defending champion Mark Godale (dropped after 58 miles at around 8:15.) In fact, out of 84 men who started, only 50 are left in […]

Slipping into the Night

by admin on October 3, 2009

Well, our boy has slid a little in the standings. Down to 15th with 63 miles in about 10 hours (about 9:38 pace). He called a little after 5 and sounded good and was not concerned about his place in the race, but was focused on pace and final mileage. Trying to get a pic […]

8th and moving up….

by admin on October 3, 2009

Samsonite is in 8th place and continues to be running strong. He has completed 55 miles in roughly 8 hours and 25 min. That’s about 9:11 pace (a little down from a few hours ago when he was dead on 9 min pace). It is currently 5:40 in Cleveland, OH and about 59° with a […]