20 the Easy Way

by admin on March 8, 2009

This morning found Team Pirana joining the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon training group for a 20 mile run on the race course. Having to set the clock forward last night did not help in the sleep department, but it also meant it was dark and cold at 7:00 am when the run started from the official starting line at 5th and Robinson.

Mav, BFG (the Pirana formerly named Mac), T3 and Sweet Tee were ready when Bill Snipes said go and off they went.

It didn’t take long to warm up a bit and from then on the weather was nearly perfect. 40+ with a cool northwest breeze made the early miles a little colder and more challenging. However, once the turn was made to come back downtown the breeze was a help.

This was Sweet Tee’s first solid run at 20 miles, so there was some concern about pace. The plan was to go out around 9:00 mpm and speed up to 8:45 if everybody felt good. The best intentions usually turn to mush, and the trio of Mav, Sweet Tee and T3 somehow dropped into an 8:30 pace and stayed there. There was some talk of slowing down, but nothing ever came of it.

The sun came up and the morning continued to be drop dead gorgeous. The initial plan was for the lead pack to stay on a faster pace and the second group of BFG and Weeble to come along at their own pace. Unfortunately, Weeble’s wife got sick and he stayed home. Turns out that was a good move on his part as she ended up in the ER with severe bronchitus.

Meanwhile, BFG found some people to run with and moved steadily along. The lead group had hooked up with several other runners and that pack stayed together until about mile 15. Sweet Tee was managing the faster pace pretty well.

With about a mile to go Sweet Tee started trying to push the pace, but the older, wiser, and decidely less spunky brothers managed to reign him in and the group finished at 2:55 for an average mile time of 8:35. A quick drink and a banana and it was back out onto the course to find the lost Pirana…

He was not too far beind and Mav ran in with him for a great finish.

All in all it was a great day!

One thought on “20 the Easy Way

  1. Notorious BFG says:

    Fantastic day and fantastic run! A great day to be a Pirana, T3, Mav and Jr. T ran on in front and I was happy to caboose Team Pirana. I found my pace and just wanted to finish like I started, standing up and running! I did and was happy about it…first time for a non-stop 20…the Team has been so supportive and encouraging – THANKS to all of you guys!

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