On the Rocks (or road)

by admin on October 7, 2009

Team Pirana has made it to Springfield, MO, fueled the van and the brothers and is continuing on toward Kentucky. The boys had barely made it out of OKC on the Turner Turnpike when they found themselves tailgating a State Trooper. He was going slower than the speed limit in the left lane, but he was gaining ground on trucks that were in the right lane. T3 had the van on cruise control when they came up on Smokey, so he shut it down and waited for the officer to make his move. Finally, the trooper pulled over into the right lane in front of the trucks and Mav said, “go around him now”, so T3 sped up to 75 and proceeded to pass the super trooper. As soon as the van was around the candy car the bear pulled in behind the boys and lit up his lights. So, the boys pulled over and waited for the paper hanger to approach. When he came up to the window and asked for T3’s license and insurance, T3 said, “What’s the problem officer?” to which the kojak replied, “Your speed! You ran up on me and then went around me and I was going the speed limit!” Of course, T3 had if fact been going exactly the speed limit according to the speedometer and he told the boy scout as much. After a little chit-chat the hypo told the guys that they now knew their speedometer was wrong, and to watch their speed.

So far the the rest of their drive has been uneventful. When they crossed the state line into MO they puled over to snap a pic:

Of course Mav had to take a personal break:

In Springfield after getting gas for the van the boys hit Quiznos for sandwiches:

2 thoughts on “On the Rocks (or road)

  1. Samsonite says:

    Love the shirt, T3.

    After this past weekend, I am 2/2 with getting out of tickets because of the military ID. (Don’t tell my mom) Next boys trip, I’m driving.

  2. Mrs. Mav says:

    Mav will be taking plenty of ‘personal breaks’ unless you want a repeat of the Turkey & Taturs when he ended up in the ER with kidney stones!

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