Dinner and a Movie

by admin on October 24, 2008

This evening was the formal dinner and what-not for the 33rd MCM. Brother Obi represented the Pirañas at the coat and tie event and was rewarded richly for his sacrifice:

Meanwhile, Mav and T3 went to Chinatown for dinner. Just a short walk from the Hyatt the brothers found an interesting church sign.

The brothers found a small place in the center of Chinatown called Tony Cheng’s and went in. The restaurant was on the second floor of the building, so they went up the narrow stair case and were seated in the large and noisy dining area. After spring roll appetizers, Mav had a dish called Sizzling Salmon Fish and T3 had Boneless Duck and Asparagus in Black Bean Sauce. Since they shared some of each dish they were both able to say that the entire meal was spectacular. On the way out Mav got himself some good luck.

Right outside Tony Cheng’s is the center piece of Chinatown.

While eating T3 had surfed the web to discover they were a mere block from a theatre and they decided to go see Max Payne. A short walk found them at the theatre where they changed their minds and decided to get ice cream and go back to the hotel to watch something on tv instead.

On the way back to the hotel the brothers found something they are sure everyone has been looking for…the Government Accountability Office Building:

The brothers are not sure what goes on in this building, but it is fairly obvious that it is not living up to the name on the outside of the building.

Once back at the hotel, Mav got his picture taken with a couple of guys that were hanging around in the lobby.

It is off to bed for the Pirañas. Tomorrow is Day 3! So the Pirañas leave you with the fortunes they received at Tony Cheng’s:

2 thoughts on “Dinner and a Movie

  1. Big says:

    How true!


    If only!

  2. Big says:

    I gotta tell ya, that pic of Obi kinda reminds me of Peter Graves and Lloyd Bridges in Airplane!

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