
by admin on April 27, 2009

So, after the 24 Hour Brigade Samsonite’s focus shifted to the Sandhurst competition. It’s an international military skills medley that has taken place at WP since 1967 (so close to ’69…). This year was the largest competition to date. Each of the 32 cadet companies has a team. Then there’s Navy and Air Force… Texas […]

Living the Dream

by admin on April 19, 2009

If you call Samsonite’s cell phone (we won’t post it here on the internet, again, out of deference to his privacy) he most likely won’t answer. He is usually too active (notice we didn’t say busy, there is a difference) to notice the phone. So, you will get his voice mail and get to hear […]

DIY Microwave Popcorn

by admin on April 15, 2009

Piranas like popcorn. Not only does popcorn taste good, it is good for you, but you have to be careful. Movie popcorn is loaded with fat and salt. So what is a healthy boy (or girl) to do? Make sure you select low fat microwave popcorns at the store, sneak your own into the movies, […]

Been There, Done That

by admin on April 5, 2009

Well, Team Pirana finished the Brew to Brew (or the Punisher Bunny as they now lovingly call it) Of course, Mav (solo run for he whole 43) did his customary run across the finish line half naked, while BFG completed the relay team run (of course 3 Piranas ran 65 miles total). Then it was […]

RailRoad Crossing Watch Out for Cars

by admin on April 5, 2009

The last relay exchange point and aid station is at a railroad crossing. While T3 and Sweet Tee waited for BFG and Mav they saw at least 3 trains. Each time the runners and crew vehicles had to wait. Fun. BFG and Mav came through, got what they needed and headed out onto the levy […]

Farm Aid

by admin on April 5, 2009

Two legs left to go. Sweet Tee is finished with his 20+ and came in running fast and strong. The aid station is at a really cool little farm. If the weather were nice it would be great to hang around watching the runners come and go. As it is, it is too cold and […]

Time Marches on and so do The Piranas

by admin on April 5, 2009

More pics from the battle front. Not a pretty picture, but we love him anyway. T3 navigating, crewing, and whatever. This an accurate representation of Mav’s attitude. Captain watching over Mav. The infamous boat crossing. Liferaft crossing that is. Captain Morgan says, “bunnies don’t like boats.” The weather gets better (read worse) every minute. At […]

Catching Up…

by admin on April 5, 2009

Here are some pics with not much explanation. Just trying to give you some idea what the boys are up too. The boys at the Boulevard Brewery before the start (mav is in the bathroom) The start. It is dark.  The race started under a bridge. Enough said. Still dark. On the levy. And yes, […]

22 and Counting

by admin on April 5, 2009

T3 is finished and Mav is still moving forward. Sweet Tee joined in on leg 4 and will continue until the end of leg 9. BFG is starting now at leg 6 and will run to the end. The start was cool with a light wind, but the weather has gone steadily down hill. Currently […]