Living the Dream

by admin on April 19, 2009

If you call Samsonite’s cell phone (we won’t post it here on the internet, again, out of deference to his privacy) he most likely won’t answer. He is usually too active (notice we didn’t say busy, there is a difference) to notice the phone. So, you will get his voice mail and get to hear his message which tells you he is out “living the dream”.

What would you do if you knew you could not fail? What will it take to achieve your dreams?

This morning at a local church the pastor did a great job of summarizing what stands in the way of most people fulfilling their dreams, or life’s calling, or whatever you want to name it. He painted it in religious terms (of course) and it is very true in that sense. But it is also true in many other ways too.

We only steal the good stuff, so here is the outline (with the scripture verses from the sermon for those so inclined):

1. Living the Dream requires FAITH.

We can’t always see the complete path from start to finish. We can’t always know all the possible outcomes or issues or whatever. Sometimes, achieving your dreams means stepping out in faith and just doing the next thing. (Hebrews 11:8)

2. Living the Dream requires FACING YOUR FEARS.

There is a good chance you will be misunderstood, criticized, and ridiculed. You may have to go somewhere you do not know how to get to, you may have to do something you have never done, and you may have to change and get out of your comfort zone. (Mark 5:36)

3. Living the Dream requires STRENGTH BEYOND YOURSELF.

The greatest accomplishments in life are never lone ventures. We all receive countless amounts of help and support from those around us. Sometimes the difference between success and failure is simply acknowledging that you need someone else’s help, and accepting it. Can you say “brotherhood”? (2 Corinthians 12:9)

4. Living the Dream requires A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE.

If you have hit a wall, look for a door. If you can’t figure out why no one is following you, try serving people instead of pushing them around. Often, dreams and their ultimate realization include a completely different viewpoint than we normally have. Learn to look at the world around you from a new vantage point as often as you can. (Mark 9:35)

5. Living the Dream requires A CHANGE OF FOCUS.

If you are swimming in circles, you need to practice sighting. Achieving anything worthwhile in life means getting that object in sight and not taking your eyes off it. You have to be focused to get the most our of life. That doesn’t mean you have to be obsessive about everything, but you do need to keep your dreams and goals clearly in mind and sight at all times. As BFG says, “Dog who chases two hares catches none.” (Hebrews 12:2)

Hopefully you too can tell people, “I’m out living the dream!”

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