Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bravo! Good Run!

by admin on July 22, 2008

We all need encouragement from time to time. As the Pirañas ramp up the training on the way to several long races this fall, the heat and increased load are taking some getting used to. This morning was just an “easy” recovery run of 6 at the lake. We rarely have non-Piraña company at our […]

Good Badwater

by admin on July 16, 2008

Chisholm Dupree is not a Piraña. But maybe he should be. Monday morning at 6:00 AM local time, 8:00 our time, Chisholm started the Badwater 135. This 135 mile foot race across desert terrain, in temps as hot as 130 °F, is well known as one of the toughest races on earth. Chisholm beat the […]

Dam Good to be Back

by admin on July 11, 2008

They opened the Hefner Dam Road (part of the Lake Hefner Trails) today. We are glad. We don’t really like running up there, but it is nice to have the option again. The Pirañas were in attendance at the ribbon cutting ceremony along with a large group of Landrunners, Tri-OKC athletes, and several bike groups. […]

Got Ink?

by admin on July 8, 2008

Some of the brothers are considering getting some Piraña ink. No firm commitments have been made yet, but there is a lot of talk going around. For those not willing to make the leap of faith (or stupidity) and get something permanently etched into their epidermis we have decided to get some temporary tattoos: Look […]

One Hundred Pushups

by admin on July 5, 2008

This is a cool site. Simple idea; a six week training plan that gets you in shape to do one hundred consecutive pushups. Check it out. Some of the Pirañas are going to take the challenge, so we will keep you posted on our progress.

Summer Training Brings Fall Racing

by admin on July 2, 2008

The Pirañas are beginning to ramp up their training for a rash of fall races. Currently on the calendar are: Sep 14: Turkey and Taturs 50K Tulsa, OK Oct 11: The Spirit of the Prairie Heartland 50 Mile Cassoday, KS Oct 12: The Chicago Marathon Chicago, IL Oct 25: The Marine Corps Marathon Washington, DC […]

Big Boo Boo

by admin on June 30, 2008

Just a quick note to forward something to the brothers cause I feel like I’ve been living on the periphery, and not being very accessible or maintaining much contact with the PB’s. I also need the crew to know that I have in fact been training for KS. Last weekend, while Maverick was nearly killing […]