Chisholm Dupree is not a Piraña. But maybe he should be. Monday morning at 6:00 AM local time, 8:00 our time, Chisholm started the Badwater 135. This 135 mile foot race across desert terrain, in temps as hot as 130 °F, is well known as one of the toughest races on earth. Chisholm beat the cut-off time of 48 hours, finishing in 43 hours and 21 minutes at 2:33 AM this morning. Chisholm is one of only three Oklahomans to successfully complete Badwater.
Here is the 6:00 AM starting group.
Chisholm is nearest to the camera on the right.
Here is part of Chisholm’s crew.
We recognize Nancy Shidler in the front:
The 6:00 AM starting group is off and running:
Chisholm on the road in the desert:
Again, the Pirañas salute Chisholm Dupree for his great accomplishment. Mav will want to talk to him when he gets back (Mav is thinking about Badwater himself…)