Category Archives: Uncategorized

Go Time for 24HB

by admin on March 19, 2009

Hooah! That is what Brother Samsonite says (he is military you know) and this week he is saying it a lot. Friday (March 20) at exactly 1700 CDST (military thing again) he will begin running around the quarter mile track at Yukon HS and he plans to not stop until 1700 on SATURDAY. You read […]

20 the Easy Way

by admin on March 8, 2009

This morning found Team Pirana joining the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon training group for a 20 mile run on the race course. Having to set the clock forward last night did not help in the sleep department, but it also meant it was dark and cold at 7:00 am when the run started from the […]

Another busy day in Pirana World!

by admin on February 21, 2009

The Sooner State Games Trail Run was a rousing, yet typically cold, success! This annual event grows each year and the P. Bros. sister organization, Oklahoma Trail Runners Association, was a key contributor to it’s production. PIT McLovin was the event mentor and is President of the organization. Brothers Big and Mav, lent a hand […]


by admin on February 17, 2009

Monday night was a special night for Brother T3. Of course, as you already know, Sunday was his 45th birthday, but Monday was like icing on the cake. The day started with a fabulous mid morning run with some of the other Brothers on their favorite local trail. Low 30’s, no wind, and sunshine made […]

Wow! He’s really ticking them off!

by admin on February 15, 2009

Today is a special day! Another year has come and gone for the Pirana’s fearless leader.   Although Brother T3 would be hesitant to tell you much about himself, the rest of the Piranas know he only gets better with age. The World, The community in which we live, The people which benefit from his […]

DanMan Man…

by admin on February 7, 2009

The Piraña Brothers did the DanMan today. The DanMan is a test of physical and mental endurance which takes place on Dan Little’s ranch in Madill, Oklahoma. The DanMan Run is held in honor of our own endurance running hero, Dan Little. Dan has completed over 120 endurance events consisting of marathons, over twenty 50-mile […]

24 Hour Brigade

by admin on January 19, 2009

Brother Samsonite has hit upon a fabulous idea. It started with the idea to do a 24 hour run to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project. Samsonite intended to run laps around the track at Yukon High School (his Alma Mater) for 24 hours and get people to pledge money for laps or miles. […]

1988 was a Pretty Good Year

by admin on January 17, 2009

On January 17, a mere 21 years ago, Young Samsonite was born. His mother says that he was an easy baby (of course, he has gotten progressively more difficult as the years have passed) but that they were concerned from early on that he was “not quite right”. In spite of the concerns and sometimes […]

The Golden Bee

by admin on January 16, 2009

The Piranas visited a local Broadmoor establishment called the Golden Bee for dinner. The Golden Bee originally came to The BROADMOOR in 1961 as a collection of panels and fixtures from an entire 19th-century pub that were shipped from England and reassembled in Colorado Springs – a town once nicknamed “Little London.” Celebrated as a unique […]