Category Archives: Uncategorized

Day 2 of the Suffering

by admin on January 15, 2009

Well, the boys survived the first full day in CS and the USAT Race Director’s Certification Conference. After a fitful night in way to comfortable beds, day broke on the second day. The guys decided to skip a morning run and take it easy, with plans to run later in the afternoon. Breakfast was oatmeal […]

Pink is a Beautiful Color

by admin on January 14, 2009

Tonight the Piranas (at least those in Colorado Springs) dined on salmon. Salmon is a color (basically pink), but it is also a really tasty fish. This particular salmon was prepared from fresh wild salmon at a trendy little place called Walter’s Bistro. Carol at the Broadmoor made the boy’s reservation and once they arrived […]

The Broadmoor Doesn’t Suck

by admin on January 14, 2009

The Piranas made it to CS (that is Colorado Springs for you flatlanders) and, after renting a car and using T3’s iPhone as a navigation device, arrived safe and sound at the Broadmoor. Checking in was quite a treat. They really don’t want you to do anything for yourself. Mav had requested a “room with […]

USAT Race Director Certification

by admin on January 13, 2009

Wow, that is a boring title. Mav and T3 are off to Colorado Springs to attend the USAT Race Director Certification Program. Poor guys…3 days in the foothills talking about events and running in the snowy hills. It will be rough, but they can handle it. They will try to keep us posted here, but […]

Bandera Finale

by admin on January 12, 2009

Mav finished Bandera (last weekend) in 14:04:18. While we are still waiting for a full race report, some pics have come in…. Mav getting his things packed (he is not always this neat) Mav and the guys in the big town. Mav at the start the evening before the race. Another one bites the dust […]

The Nearly New Year’s Day Run

by admin on January 3, 2009

Chisolm Dupree puts on a great race every year either on New Year’s Day or this year on the first Saturday of 2009. Held on the Trails at Lake Arcadia, the race is up to 50K (31.5 miles) but lots of people come out and just run a few miles or a single out and […]

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To….

by admin on January 2, 2009

And in case any of our fans were wondering: Samsonite did it. Our hard-headed 100-mile virgin had chosen December 23rd as his day to run 100 miles at Lake Hefner. In case you weren’t in metro OKC to experience it for yourself, that Tuesday was a day of classic and epic Oklahoma winds. You Lake […]


by admin on January 1, 2009

Ah, the joy of plunging your unsuspecting body into very cold water. Hypothermia here we come. The 2009 OKC Polar Plunge found a double handful of hardy (though stupid) souls on the shore of Lake Hefner at high noon. The Piranas were there of course… When the call to plunge came Team Pirana rushed into […]