Writing Checks Our Bodies Can’t Cash

by admin on November 12, 2010

Check-in is proceeding nicely. The boys are having fun seeing old friends and meeting new ones. It is always interesting to listen to people at the start of a race. Lots of sandbagging going on….

“hey, good to see you, how’s your training gone? Are you ready?” … “Well, I’ll let you know at the end.”

No one ever tells the truth. No one wants to let on that they are feeling really good and think they can run well because anything can happen and you would be embarrassed. So everyone downplays and makes excuses and the longer the race the more they do it!

So everyone wants to know how T3 and Mav are and if they are ready. Mav says yes. T3 says I’ll tell you tomorrow. Both know that tomorrow they will have to pace themselves, take care of themselves and manage their energy and mental condition. But they also know that they only have to run 1 more mile and you can always run 1 more mile. That is a check the boys know they can cash.

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