Off and Running

by admin on March 1, 2008

Team Piraña is off to a great start! After a short delay while we waited for Goose to get out of the baños (in all fairness everyone took a fairly long turn this morning) we heading up the road from Shiner to Gonzales to start our journey to Houston. We parked the van and caught the shuttle to the start:


The monument was stunning in the dark and the reflection on the pool shows how still the air is. It is cool but VERY humid and the fog is so thick you can barely see down the road at all.


Once we got to the start, we found our fellow Okies, the TATURS:


Bret asked the guy in the cowboy hat if he was one of the original 18. He said no. We gave our camera to what ended up being a technology challenged lady and then delayed the start of the whole race while we waited for her to take a picture (which never actually happened). We caught the team who started before us during the prologue and then T3 ran the first leg in 31:12 for about a 7:20 pace. Goose is out on leg 2 as we post.

One thought on “Off and Running

  1. Liz says:

    Mav, you really look dangerous in this photo!

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