Today was the Bears Cross Country Invitational at John Marshall. P.I.T. Sweet Tee attended the meet with the CCS Cross Country Team:
The middle school boys course was 1 mile over grass with a few mild climbs and some fairly uneven footing. Sweet Tee was feeling good but had almost ripped his toenail off the night before, so he was worried about the effect that would have on his race (we offered to take it off for him, but for some reason he declined…)
When the gun went off Sweet Tee went right to the front.
By about a qtr mile he was battling another guy for first. They traded off the lead a couple times, but by the last 200 yds the other guy had the lead and Sweet Tee couldn’t out-kick him. Sweet Tee finished 2nd overall in a time of 6:41. You can tell by this photo that he was giving it all at the finish.
The Brothers congratulate Sweet Tee on a strong finish and a great race!