We Eat to Run

by admin on September 6, 2008

People often ask what the Pirañas eat and drink during long training runs and ultra distance races. During a race we sample a lot of foods that are available at the aid stations (a little bit of anything is tolerable.) However, we primarily stick to foods we have tested in training and have brought with us. We are big fans of bananas, pb&j (Mav puts raisins on his, yuck!), grapes, various granola bar type stuff and pumpkin pie. For technical or race designed foods during training and racing we use a couple of products almost exclusively:

Clif Shot Blocks

We use these instead of gels. It is much easier to control your intake, they are cleaner, and it is easier to keep eating them (we get sick of the sweet gooey taste of gels pretty fast!) We almost only eat Black Cherry w/ Caffeine. There are 200 calories in 6 blocks (1 pkg) so you could eat a package an hour.


HEED, by Hammer Nutrition, is a better blend of complex carbs and gives you prolonged energy instead of the quick rush you get from most “sports” drinks. There are 100 calories in a scoop and we use two scoops in a normal water bottle. If you are going to be without water longer, you can mix it a little thicker so you are at least getting the electrolytes and calories. HEED also comes in individual serving packages so if you can find water you can mix it on the trail or road. We like Mandarin flavor best.

We also use Ensure as a prerun meal or during a long run or race. We have been known to use Redbull (just not to much at a time) or other energy drinks, mostly for the caffeine. For recovery all the Pirañas have their own thing going but the list includes: chocolate milk, Recoverite, beer, anything you can get you hands on, etc. You get the idea

The most important thing is for each individual to have a nutrition and hydration plan and to test that plan in training under similiar circumstances (course type, weather, distance) so you know what works for you. The worst thing you can do is something new on race day.

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