Woo Hoo

by admin on October 11, 2008

The boys have just passed the 16.8 mile aid station. Big is looking really strong at this point. T3 and Maverick are also looking great. A bit of nutrition, change of socks and shirts and bam they were off again. Time in the turn to the half way mark was right at 4 hours 1 minute. They are now 7.7 miles to the mid way turn around. Pictures to follow once Mav gives K-Mack back the camera. By the way K-Mack could make a fortune off selling Big’s 800s. There are a lot of hurting puppies out here already. But at this point, that doesn’t apply to our guys!!

6 thoughts on “Woo Hoo

  1. Bob Sholar says:

    The studs look good!

  2. Weeble says:

    great job guys!!!!Big I knew you got do it….T3 hope your doing well and Mav ru your race…..K-Mack keep them going….Weeble

  3. Wife of Big says:

    4 hours 1 minute! Smokin’!

  4. Bob Sholar says:

    Texas just beat OU. Bummer. Pray for an upset OSU over MU. Go Pokes. Keep burning the road guys.

  5. Goose says:

    Proud of all the brothers – wish I was there. Rock on, and keep up the good work. Go Pokes!!!

  6. weeble says:

    Agreed go pokes!

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