Best Burgers in Borden

by admin on March 1, 2008

Goose bought (and ate) a hamburger at Borden. Goose’s eating and training habits are already the stuff of legends, and this latest episode just serves to strength the myth that is the man.


As the day wears on we see more and more runners trying to get some rest and stay out of the sun and heat.


Maverick destroyed his leg and handed off to Big.


We are all getting a little sore and Maverick had some bad cramps right before this leg. He did great, but still hurts some. T3 is about to find out if he has worked out his Achilles problem (right leg). We are looking forward to the sun going down.

4 thoughts on “Best Burgers in Borden

  1. Wife of Big says:

    Really enjoying all the pic’s and posts. Thanks for the updates. Try and bring Big back in one piece, preferably still breathing. On the other hand, his life insurance is paid up…

  2. Liz says:

    When you say they “killed” their leg, is that good or bad? I love the updates. You are doing a great job with the pictures and comments. THanks

    t3 says: “killed” is good when we do it to something else. “killed” is bad when something else does it to us.

  3. Mrs. Mav says:

    I’m with Liz. I thought “killed his leg” indicated some kind of injury, and I started to worry. Then again, I am a learning disabled teacher, and a little slow on the uptake sometimes.

    Oh, and Bret? Put on a shirt!

  4. Keith McCombs says:

    Gods speed T3. We are pullin an all night watch party to keep up with our heros of the night. Watch out for the Jackalopes I hear theiy get bigger as the night goes on.

    You guys are awsome. We are proud of each of you!!!


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