At Home in the Patch

by admin on March 1, 2008

This exchange makes T3 feel right at home.


Weeble came in ahead of schedule and handed off to Goose.


Maverick found a friend! He also got a hug from a cute chick, but we didn’t get a picture of that.


The sun is going down now (thank goodness) so we trade the heat and solar pickup for running in the dark.


We have plenty of reflective and flashy stuff, but it can be a little funky running in strange places in the dark. We will be “shadowing” our runner from now until it gets light, meaning we will go up the road a ways and then wait for them, then move up again, etc.

BTW: this is what it looks like at every exchange:


One thought on “At Home in the Patch

  1. Mony says:

    Hey guys, you are amazing!
    Stay strong and safe as you run through the night.
    I know you’ll keep an eye out for each other, but I’m saying some extra prayers for your safety.
    Runner’s prayer:
    Run by my side — live in my heartbeat; give strength to my steps.
    One more breath…
    One more step…
    One more mile…
    This is my prayer.

    I’ll checking in on you later,
    Mony, aka PB chaplain

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