Mav made it to Bridgeport at about 12:40 (that’s 67.5 miles in 15.5 hours or so). Bridgeport is not a large town. In fact, it is a really small town. The local school Jr. class manned the aid station there and the town opened the Methodist Church building for the runners to use the facilities. Which Mav did:
Unfortunately for the kind folks of Bridgeport, their little church may never be the same again. Mav left a funk behind that has a life of it’s own and will not easily vacate it’s new abode. Bridgeport Methodist is now haunted by the ghost of Mav’s BM.
A few minutes of massage ansd some food and fuel and Mav and Weeble headed off down the road. Up next: The TATUR Turn! Expect lots of pics and some funny stuff to come out of that location.