6 thoughts on “Go Gently Into That Good Night

  1. single mom of six says:

    Hey guys, I have a message to pass on from an admirer…”one observer has concluded that the name Pirana brothers is most appropriate in that the eating habits displayed in the numerous photos (the eating, the *>=@%”‘ing, and the puking) just might resemble the attack and destroy way of life for the hungry fish, which probably doesn’t even know what it’s eating! (Eyes &
    teeth too big for their bodies, I bet anything looks and tastes good to the pirana)”. I’ll give T3 $5 if he can figure out who this quote is from just from the writing style.
    Inquiring minds want to know… did anyone dare anyone else to EAT the roadkill? I hope Mav washed his hands!
    About chasing the chick with the tramp stamp – why chase when Mav could pass her and show her his wolves? Aren’t you all going to win this thing?

    t3 says: I would have to say Jackson. And I don’t want $5. I think you know what I mean, wink wink, nudge nudge.

  2. GANDER says:

    All this winking and nudging is making me feel a LITTLE uncomfortable…if you know what I mean…

  3. Okiemarine says:

    Looks like you guys are having fun.
    Tell us the truth though, are you?
    T3, that mom and dad are following the race.

  4. GANDER says:

    This has got to be better than the night on the “mother road” though right?? At least you won’t have to layer and drink broth and coffee while fast-walking in the cold with a bad knee and only your sister to walk with you!
    We may have a sick kid with a fever (not the “scarlet” fever or boogie fever or the fever for a pringle) in the morning so I am not sure what our schedule will be…
    On a happy note, 1) I got my purse back with everything still in it…I left it at chick-filet yesterday. 2) the kids are still alive 3) the kids all got bathed tonight, 4) the cat is in for the night with his 4th collar on, 5) the kids are still alive, 6) I haven’t thrown up today (yet) and 7) the kids are still alive.
    I had fun with my girlfriends today at my shower. I am looking forward to showing you my gifts ( and T3 and Mav, don’t make that into anything other than what it is…) We miss you.

  5. Wife of Big says:

    Good Night, and Good Luck

    I get how the coffee will help the sleepy problem. What are you doing about the funky smell problem? Did you guys think about packing an industrial size bottle of Frebreze?

  6. Keith McCombs says:

    I’d like to see a pic of BIG with his shirt off. I mean it’s Saturday night so lets live a little. Cmon Dave show us your money maker. Let BIG know Jim sends his love…

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