OK, now it is midnight. The witching hour. We are a van of cramps, vomiting, funky odors, and other things we can’t even describe to those who are not here to experience it. Everyone is still running (more or less) and no one has actually turned into a pumpkin. We just exchanged at Wallace:
And ran into the race director again:
Here is a pic of the Piraña Mobile with Big hiding behind it
It is dark and cold (compared to midday). When you run you are hot and sweaty, when you stop you cramp up and get the shakes from the cold. We are working hard to get food and fluid into everyone, but sometimes nothing tastes good and eating or drinking is the last thing you want to do. By the time it is your turn to run again you have gotten so stiff you can barely bend your legs. This is SO MUCH FUN! Weeble is out on the road. Maverick is on deck and T3 is in the wings.
BTW: T3’s parents asked if we were really having fun. That is hard to explain. We are crabby, stiff, smelly and sore and not one of us would choose to be anywhere else Is that”having fun”? We think so. This is hard, REALLY HARD, but we love each other and this gives us a chance to be together through some tough stuff. This is what cements the bonds of brotherhood.
BTW2: Will the barkeep please cut Keith off. He is getting WAY TOO SAPPY.
He Hee,
Ok guys i even makin myself sick. But yes even I thinkin bout you guys and how it is to be out there. 12:22 and youre still going. WTG and keep it up. I will be back for a poem later…
Aww the woods are dark and deep….Miles to go….