12 thoughts on “He’s Got a Little Captain In Him

  1. GANDER says:

    Hey, goose…sorry our stomach virus caught up with you. It’s a litttle after 4 a.m. and I am up as usual burping, puking, coughing (in that order) and unable to sleep. Hope you can make it through. T3, we really did start the stomach bug through our family last weekend and it really was his turn, after all. Be nice. It may not be just vomiting, if you know what I mean…And what is the brotherhood for if you can’t give everyone the stomach bug after all is said and done…Won’t that be fun??!! I am off to the kitchen for another prilosec just to make me feel like I am doing something about my problems…it never helps…

  2. GANDER says:

    If it makes you encouraged, leg 29 is the shortest and it says you can have breakfast at HEB! I am sure that is what will spur you on…Let me know how Goose is doing…Only about 10 more legs to go, guys. Yeah, whoopee, hoorah! :) And explain to me again why you think this is fun??? You guys would probably enjoy childbirth with no drugs too. What a twisted mind-set of “fun”!

  3. Wife of Big says:

    Good Morning! Sorry to read about all the cramping and puking. Why don’t you guys just stay in Texas until you have all had the stomach flu and sanitized the van.
    Have been reading through all the posts. I am pretty impressed that Keith was quoting Robert Frost – but I thought maybe Edgar Allen Poe “Masque of the Red Death” would be more fitting!

  4. GANDER says:

    We do have one with the 102 fever this morning. #1 is staying home with her so I can go and teach. He is bummed he has to miss out on selling cinnamon rolls but I don’t have many options. Hope you all are still hanging in there. You are in our prayers…

  5. single mom of six says:

    How do we look? Well, Brett always looks like the energizer bunny to me! And, at least the pictures are still in focus.

  6. GANDER says:

    We need an update…hello…anyone out there…hello…

  7. ham says:

    t3 I’m amazed you haven’t got the stomach bug. Just kidding! I think you will get it last if at all. Have fun even though your idea of fun is a little wack! No, I get it now, you and the team are crazy!

  8. future runner (t4) says:

    I always knew that mav had a little captain in him just waiting to be discovered and it is fitting that he is conquering a hay bale. :) But on a serious note I hope that you guys have fun what ever that means to you and that everyone comes home in one piece. Especially my dad. :)

    The pics are awesome i want to see more of t3 and less of weeble coming out of the portable toilet.

  9. Mrs. Mav says:

    Maverick’s herd is up and ready for early church, where we will be praying for all of you–your safety and especially your sanity.

    Note to the other PIRANA WIDOWS: I’m thinking of taking the girls to Pop’s this afternoon. Anyone in?

  10. BIRTHDAY BOY says:

    I’m Okay with no shirts but don’t start running in hot pink speedos.
    Hang in there and get more picks of roadkill “toys”.;)

  11. princess says:

    to T3: I’ve run 12 1/2 miles now! Instead of the Creek Classic, we went to CCC and did a Crossings Classic of our own. Mr. Parduhn threw his back out yesterday morning and Mrs. Parduhn was on her own with us! Tyler Jackson ran with us. I beat “slow ride” on guitar hero 3. I rock!

  12. p-man says:

    Hey dad I think I have the team down t3, maverick, goose , wobble oops I mean weeble, and big. If that’s not the pirana brothers team email me oops I mean send me a letter or something. You guys are crazy,psycho, wack etc. You get my point. Keep going and keep updating.:)

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