When the van got to the end of leg 31 (Mav) it was still very dark and the van is still very skanky:
By the time Mav got there the sky was getting lighter:
Mav ran 8:24 pace and handed off to T3 who actually ran for 5 miles with Dennis who told him that this was his second leg and he was struggling a little. T3 really had to fight the urge to beat him to death with his own running shoes before walking it in for the last 1.5 (that would be 10:30 pace boys and girls). Goose is feeling better. Big is out on the road and we are stocking up on ice before we move to the next stop. We are VERY tired. Goose is saying he is good to go for his last leg. T3 thinks he may have to walk his last leg. And even Mav says it is looking like 9:00 pace for him. We are going to finish this thing but it is not going to be pretty.
What do you actually have left to run – and who’s running it?
I hope you guys don’t have to drive right home after this! You deserve a couple a days of sleep.