Category Archives: Uncategorized

We Aren’t In Kansas Yet

by admin on October 10, 2008

Well, after finally breaking free from the bonds of slavery, Big called and the round up began. After T3 picked Big up they swung around to get K-Mack and then headed north into Deer Creek to locate and retrieve Mav. So, the brothers are barely out of Oklahoma City and it’s already an amazing trip. […]

How Low Can We Go?

by admin on October 9, 2008

Is a Sub 2:00 marathon possible? How long will it be until the latest record is broken? These are hard questions to answer and no one has a crystal ball, but the history and current performance data would suggest that the answers are, “yes” and “maybe a long time.” The history would indicate that the […]

Gebrselassie Breaks Marathon World Record

by admin on September 28, 2008

BERLIN (AP) — Haile Gebrselassie broke his own marathon world record on Sunday, becoming the first runner to finish under 2 hours, 4 minutes. The Ethiopian clocked 2:03:59 to win his third straight Berlin Marathon, beating the mark of 2:04:26 he set last year over the same flat course. He also became the first runner […]

I want a girl…

by admin on September 24, 2008

I want a girl with a mind like a diamond I want a girl who knows what’s best I want a girl with shoes that cut And eyes that burn like cigarettes I want a girl with the right allocation Who’s fast, and thorough, and sharp as a tack She’s playing with her jewelry, she’s […]

Turkeys and TATURS

by admin on September 14, 2008

Today (Sunday, Sep 14) T3, Mav and P.I.T. Sweet Tee drove to Tulsa for the 3rd Annual Turkey and TATURS Trail Run. Held on the trails at Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness Area, the Tulsa Area Trail & Ultra Runners (TATURS) put on a great race There is a 50K (Mav and T3’s choice), a 25K […]

Running is not a Spectator Sport

by admin on September 12, 2008

The North Face Endurance Challenge, Washington DC Edition Tropical Storm Hanna Endurance Challenge Screw North Face, We’re Running Anyway Race Report First Annual Renegade 50 Non-Race Report What was it that poet Robert Burns wrote? “The best laid plans of mice and men oft’ go awry.” Or that Murphy fellow, what was his law? Oh, […]

Piraña Training

by admin on September 6, 2008

The Pirañas just finished week 10 of a 20 week training program leading to several ultra races this fall. Week 10: Sep 1 to Sep 7 54 miles total Monday – 10 miles on trails Tuesday – 6 miles on road Wednesday – 10 miles on road Thursday – rest day Friday – 12 miles […]

We Eat to Run

by admin on September 6, 2008

People often ask what the Pirañas eat and drink during long training runs and ultra distance races. During a race we sample a lot of foods that are available at the aid stations (a little bit of anything is tolerable.) However, we primarily stick to foods we have tested in training and have brought with […]

Sweet Tee Country

by admin on September 2, 2008

Today was the Bears Cross Country Invitational at John Marshall. P.I.T. Sweet Tee attended the meet with the CCS Cross Country Team: The middle school boys course was 1 mile over grass with a few mild climbs and some fairly uneven footing. Sweet Tee was feeling good but had almost ripped his toenail off the […]

Nike Human Race

by admin on September 1, 2008

From Brother Samsonite: The Nike Human Race. What an amazing concept and a great race!  Celebrating humanity through the medium of running!  26 cities around the world, 1,000,000 runners running on the same day. Samsonite had almost registered for this event when he was at home during the summer, but was turned away because it […]