Category Archives: Uncategorized

Piraña Training

by admin on August 31, 2008

The Pirañas just finished week 9 of a 20 week training program leading to several ultra races this fall. Week 9: Aug 25 to Aug 31 47 miles total Monday – 10 miles on road Tuesday – 6 miles on road Wednesday – 10 miles on road Thursday – rest day Friday – 11 miles […]

Going for it…

by admin on August 24, 2008

The 2008 Summer Olympics are winding down today. Last night we saw the men’s marathon and a week before the women’s. Both marathons were examples of individuals being willing to risk everything to achieve their ultimate goal. In the women’s race, Romania’s Constantina Tomescu surged near the half-way point and opened a significant lead. The […]

Piraña Training

by admin on August 20, 2008

The Pirañas are in week 8 of a 20 week training program leading to several ultra races this fall. Week 8: Aug 18 to Aug 24 66 miles total Monday – 10 miles on road Tuesday – 6 miles on road Wednesday – 10 miles on trails Thursday – rest day Friday – 40 miles […]

Piraña Training

by admin on August 15, 2008

The Pirañas are in week 7 of a 20 week training program leading to several ultra races this fall. Week 7: Aug 11 to Aug 17 63 miles total Monday – 8 miles on road Tuesday – 6 miles on road Wednesday – 8 miles on trails Thursday – rest day (and Samsonite’s Piraña B-Day) […]

Come on in, the water is fine…

by admin on August 15, 2008

Last night the Pirañas initiated a new brother. P.I.T. Samsonite became Brother Samsonite. The evening started with a little PITnapping: which led to a PITdrop: which led to….well, we could tell you, but then we would have to make you a Piraña, and while many are hoping, few are chosen. When ask how becoming a […]

Piraña Training

by admin on August 9, 2008

The Pirañas are in week 6 of a 20 week training program leading to several ultra races this fall. Week 6: Aug 4 to Aug 10 58 miles total Monday – 8 miles on road Tuesday – 6 miles on road Wednesday – 8 miles on trails Thursday – rest day Friday – 21 miles […]

Happy Birthday Sweet Tee

by admin on August 8, 2008

P.I.T. Sweet Tee turned 14 today. After getting in a 21 miler, Mav and T3 took the youngster out for lunch at a local B-B-Q joint where he ordered the large rib dinner plate. If he had eaten it all Mav would have bought him a T-shirt that said “I pigged out at Earl’s for […]

These are your feet on drugs

by admin on August 6, 2008

Some people say that running too much makes you crazy. Some people say you have to be crazy to run so much. But it is obvious that something is wrong with this picture: Mav claims he broke a lace and had to grab another shoe at the last moment. WE think he likes looking this […]

Piraña Training

by admin on August 1, 2008

The Pirañas are in week 5 of a 20 week ramp up to the Mother Road 100. Week 5: Jul 27 to Aug 3 52 miles total Monday – 8 miles on road Tuesday – 6 miles on road Wednesday – 8 miles on trails Thursday – rest day Friday – 18 miles on trails […]